From: Leona Hofstra [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 8:05 AM
To: Carole & LeVerne
Subject: OUR WATER, OUR FUTURE report

OUR WATER, OUR FUTURE   - A Conversation with Albertans



Recently, I had the privilege of attending a Watershed Stakeholder discussion put on by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resources Development under the direction of MLA Diana McQueen.  The afternoon session was held February 26, 2013 in Camrose.  The groups revolved around 4 different tables, each table having a time limit of half-an-hour to discuss the following topics


- Healthy Waters

- Hydraulic Fracturing

- Drinking water and Waste Water

- Water Management


All the groups had a facilitated discussion with a common goal of giving feedback from Watershed groups, and representatives with invested interest from the Petroleum Industry, Agriculture Alberta, Ducks Unlimited, and reps from Water and Waste water management groups.


One of the issues discussed in the Healthy Water Group discussion, was how a strong framework within a Watershed Stewardship group could be the foundation for government intervention, creating more funding and also helping with follow up on regulations and intentionally holding the public accountable for their practices.  The view was that groups like Wizard Lake and other strong Watershed groups are doing a very good job creating Education and Awareness and also working closely with their respective counties.   This framework can only go so far with limited resources and volunteers.  The Extra Support from higher levels of government in following up on Regulations and Holding public users accountable would be an asset.


All in all it was very informative and encouraging to know that the Alberta government is taking interest in Water conservation issues and generating discussion through focus groups. Due to the growth of Alberta and increasing demand on water, the government along with Industry, agriculture, Recreation and Lake Stewardship groups are putting their ideas together to insure our water is managed for a healthy future. This was just one of twenty Stakeholder sessions being held in and around Alberta.  It was good to be a part of this discussion and to be able to give input towards generating healthy water for a healthy future in the Province of Alberta.


Harold Hofstra